Raw Notes 16.08.05

- But pulling that prank with Bret's entrance theme was a bit too cheap for my tastes, especially since they did exactly the same thing with Matt Hardy about a month ago. Short memories, eh?
- I've decided that The Heart Throbs are the 21st century Bushwackers. I defy you to disagree.
- With that new beard of his, the Big Show looks a lot like me. Oh dear god NO!!
- Presumably, Kurt Angle is feuding with Eugene because he wants to take it easy on that neck of his. But come on, Eugene? At SummerSlam? My, how the mighty have fallen...
- Oh I'm so happy the Diva Search is finally over. I see why Ashley won - she's a 'rock chick' type, allegedly, even though she's no great looker and hopeless on the mic - but Elizabeth was the prettiest out of the last three, not to mention the most telegenic, and the most natural at cutting promos. But I guess that's what happens when you let the public vote.
- Oh yay, another recap of the Hardy/Lita/Edge saga - "Edge, you destroyed my dream of one day having children." Er, Matt? He didn't cut your balls off, did he?
- Carlito Canadian Cool! "That's cool, eh?" Ha!
- Jericho and Cena have fought each other so often that, frankly, their match at SummerSlam won't be anything special to me. I know it's the way they do things in these times - but I remember the good ol' days, when matches would be built up for weeks or months, and the two adversaries would barely meet face to face until the day of their match. There's be a tease now and then, maybe a sudden confrontation or a stand-off just before the big event - but they'd save the big match for that one special night, and make the whole show worth watching even if the rest of the card was a dud. Not so anymore...
- Val Venis has been on TV a lot lately, on a losing streak. Remember when he wasn't a Jobber to the Stars? Those were the days...
- Rob Conway's push continues, but the booking made no sense. I mean, why job out one half of the tag team champions? Sloppy sloppy sloppy!
- And for the main event: bad neck guy versus bad hip guy. Oh yeah, this is what wrestling's all about! And again, they gave us way too much with Shawn Michaels coming out at the end to have a mini-match with Hogan. Though I must confess to cackling with evil glee when Michaels used the Sharpshooter. I hope he had an armed escort to the hotel afterwards!
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