SmackDown Notes 05.08.05

- That stupid Rey Rey/Guerrero feud continued, taking up almost an hour of showtime, and now Christian was sadly thrown into the mix. The poor bastard.
- The new writers can't write. For just one example, surely the whole point of this new Gillian character is that the thing on her face is supposed to be like the elephant in the living room that everyone knows is there, but no one talks about. So to have Gillian cut an atrociously-scripted promo all about it on only her second appearance on TV makes zero sense, and only serves to complete negate the gimmick.
- The WWE is supposed to be hiring all these new scriptwriters from Hollywood to give their product more 'mainstream appeal', more Tinseltown sheen or whatever, and the smart marks complain that they shouldn't be there because they have so little knowledge of wrestling. Silly boys; can't you see that it's not just wrestling they know nothing about? One has to wonder why these 'Hollywood' writers would want to abandon their movie star dreams for a WWE paycheque... could it be that they couldn't get any other work, because they're shit?
- It's obvious the bookers have no clue what to do with Chris Benoit and Booker T. It's pretty simple to me - give Benoit the US title and have him feud with Booker or Christian - but I guess at this stage, common sense is beyond them.
- 'Contract signings' for matches that might actually be watchable are good for a laugh - but Batista versus JBL won't be a good match. (However I am, despite myself, starting to warm to Batista. But I also see his major flaw as a character: he's too real, too laid-back, when he should be much larger than life.)
You know things are going wrong when Velocity is better written and more entertaining than SmackDown!.
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